Setting up page and config
Setting up the page title and icon:
st.set_page_config(page_title="Airbnb Deployment", page_icon=":shark:")
st.title("Airbnb Machine Learning Model Deployment")
We will add a link to a google drive containing joblib file of the prediction model for download in case the user doesn't have it already installed on their computer. The following link was used:
st.write("If you don't have the file of the model, download it [here](")
Obs: On streamlit, use [text] (link) to add a specific link to a text.
Next, we will add a upload box for the user to upload the joblib file:
model_file = st.file_uploader("Upload your model file", accept_multiple_files=False)
However, the default upload limit in streamlit is 200 MB and our file is over 400 MB. In order to fix this, we will go to the .streamlit folder and inside the config.toml file write the following code:
maxUploadSize = 600
maxMessageSize = 600
Obs: If said files are not present on the folder of your main project, create them with the same exact names.
The streamlit page looks like this now: