Importing streamlit and setting dictionaries
Importing all necessary libraries:
import pandas as pd
import streamlit as st
import joblib
import sys
from streamlit.web import cli as stcli
import os
Setting up the directories and making sure all requirements are installed:
script_directory = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
sys.argv = ["pip", "install", "-r", "requirements.txt"]
Now, we will write the code below in order to automatically run the streamlit website locally everytime the file is executed:
try :
if __name__ == '__main__':
sys.argv = ["streamlit", "run", ""]
except RuntimeError as e:
if str(e) == "Runtime instance already exists!":
Obs: This code should always be kept on the bottom of the file as it will instantly open the website with only the features of the code above it!
Now, in order to make the buttons for each feature used in the prediction model's analysis, we will first create three dictionaries for each diferent data type (numerical, boolean and lists).
Then, we will create a button for each dictionary and update the values of each column depending on the input.
Creating the dictionaries:
x_numerical = {'latitude': 0, 'longitude': 0, 'accommodates': 0, 'bathrooms': 0, 'bedrooms': 0, 'beds': 0, 'extra_people': 0, 'minimum_nights': 0, 'year': 0, 'Amount amenities': 0, 'host_listings_count': 0}
x_boolean = {'host_is_superhost': 0, 'instant_bookable': 0}
x_lists = {'property_type': ['Apartment', 'House'], 'room_type': ['Entire home/apt', 'room_type_Private room'], 'cancellation_policy': ['flexible', 'moderate', 'strict_14_with_grace_period']}
Now we will create another dictionary containing only the lists created by the dummy variables. This is so we can store the values the user enters.
list_values = {'property_type_Apartment' : 0, 'property_type_House' : 0, 'room_type_Entire home/apt' : 0, 'room_type_Private room' : 0, 'cancellation_policy_flexible' : 0, 'cancellation_policy_moderate' : 0, 'cancellation_policy_strict_14_with_grace_period' : 0}